Varnamtown News 5

Posted by Amy Norton on

Rocket Hub Funding Complete

I want to say a heart felt thanks to all that helped and gave to the “Varnamtown: An Aging Life” crowd funding.  We raised $3755.00 directly and a good friend has sent a check for $500.00 that has, literally, gotten lost in the mail between Rocket Hub and NYFA :)  so the final total is $4255.00 !!!!!!!  That is FANTASTIC!!!!!  What a help this is!!!!

 Varnamtown: An Aging Life

###### NEWS######

The Durham Home for the Varnamtown Project

Fishmongers, Durham, NCGary Bass the owner of Fishmongers at Brightleaf Square in Durham NC has joined with me to become the home base for Varnamtown: An Aging Life Project in DURHAM  We will have a rotating display of the Varnamtown painting as well as information available for the public. We will start installing next week.  I also hope to do several presentations of the project in the restaurant for anyone interested in the history and the future of Varnamtown and our NC coast.   Stop in and enjoy fresh, NC seafood. Support NC fishermen and the Varnamtown project.


I am looking for opportunities to share about “Varnamtown: An Aging Life” with  groups, clubs, organisation, business or corporations. Any ideas, names, contacts or introductions are very welcome.  I believe there is a great need to share with others about our dependence on our coast.


Lockwood Folly River

Varnamtown is on the Lockwood Folly river and there is some folk lore about origin of the name. So thanks to Mr. Wickapedia here is an interesting  tidbit…

“There are two folklore stories that explain the genesis of the name “Lockwood Folly”. The first states that a man by the name of Lockwood began building the “boat of his dreams” along the banks of the river. Working tirelessly for many months, Lockwood finally completed his sailing ship, but when he tried to float the boat, he discovered that he had made the draft too deep to clear the sandbar at the inlet. So with no way to sail the ship out of the river, Lockwood disappointedly left the ship to rot. The locals began calling the ship “Lockwood’s Folly” and according to the story, eventually the name was applied to both the river and inlet.[1]

The second tale tells the story of a group of settlers led by a man named Lockwood that decided to colonize the banks of the river. Lockwood supposedly did not bring enough supplies or got into a dispute with the local tribe and the colony had to be disbanded. According to the story, the remains of the colony were named “Lockwood’s Folly” and later the name came to encompass the nearby river and inlet.[1]

The river name appears on a John Ogilby map from 1671, making Lockwood’s Folly River one of the oldest named rivers in North Carolina.”



There is a new Varnamtown painting on the easel.  “Lockwood Folly Mist”  I will post photos as I work on the painting…

Lockwood Folly Mist 

Varnamtown: An Aging Life



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